Quilt Trail
"Dilithium Crystals" Quilt Square #40
McBrayer Rd., Clearfield, KY
[Near the entrance to Clearfield School)
Geocode (latitude and longitude): 38.158977 -83.443504
Barn Owner: Ivan & Virginia Reynolds
Painted by: Foothills Quilt Trail Painting Team
Installed: April 17, 2008 by Charlie Stamm, Gene Buckler, and Walt Rybka
Sponsor: W. Paul & Lucille Caudill Little Foundation, Inc.
Donna Grey, a daughter of the Reynolds, submitted the application for
her parents to obtain a quilt square for their barn. The pattern chosen
by the family was actually used in 2006 by the Reynolds other daughter
Terry to make a quilt as a college graduation gift for her nephew,
Drew Grey. She had found the pattern in a quilting catalog - in one
issue it appeared in shades
of red and in the next issue it was in
shades of blue.
The Reynolds bought the former Elam
farm in the 1960's. The original
barn was located further down the farm and closer to Triplett Creek.
After years of flooding, the old barn was torn down. Another barn, which
was a tobacco
barn on their brother-in-law Pat Carpenter's farm, was
dismantled by Pat & Ivan and rebuilt behind the Reynolds home. The
government had taken the Carpenter's farm for the formation of Cave
Lake but the barn was saved.